
I took a drive to the summit of Cement Ridge Lookout Tower in the Black Hills of Wyoming hoping to get a panoramic image of the fall colors in the valley below with the rising sun providing directional light. Well, heavy fog blew up that idea so I started searching for more intimate scenes and caught this small birch tree rising from the dense foliage instead. Since it had already lost its leaves, it stands in stark contrast to the surrounding brush and the fog in the background adds a little mystery.

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Color Guard

Autumn colors are on full display in this image made on a cloudy day in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I went with a panoramic composition to capture as much of the brush in the foreground, and aspen trees in the background to provoke the feeling of a very vibrant color guard, making a formidable barrier to what lies beyond.

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Red Grass

On a day that was forecast to be in the nineties it was sure cool on this particular morning in Spearfish Canyon (about 42F). It was an early September morning when this image was made and the reddish color of the grass tells me Autumn isn’t far off.

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Just as Beautiful at Night

Last week’s post was an image of Roughlock Falls in Spearfish Canyon shot in early morning and converted to black and white. This is an image captured a few days (nights) later as the Milky Way core was moving across the falls and canyon. With a little bit of light painting on the falls and some long exposure photography to bring out the Milky Way, I think it’s just as beautiful.

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Black and White Instead of Green

This image of Rough Lock Falls in Spearfish Canyon was made in August when most of the grass, shrubs and trees are green. It’s pleasant to look at in person but doesn’t photograph particularly well without some directional light (which there wasn’t when I took this shot). Black and white on the other hand plays up the contrast between the shadows and highlights more effectively giving the image a grungy pop.

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