
I’m starting to get into the habit of photographing this scene in various weather conditions and times of the day (and night). A 30% waxing gibbous moon almost makes it seem like daytime and only the stars let you know that it’s long past sunset. Besides the moon, the other bright object just above the horizon is Jupiter setting in the west. The reddish color cast in the pine trees is the result of using my hydrogen alpha modified Cannon 5D III. This is a six shot vertical panorama at 24mm focal length.

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Looking for a Perfect Sunset

I’ve been to this spot on Little Spearfish Creek many times looking for a dramatic sunset, but haven’t come away with the photo I’m imagining. On this evening I was ready to pack it in when a flock of geese landed not far away (look closely in the center right of the frame) and I thought it would make a cool shot if they would just swim a little closer. It wasn’t to be as it started getting dark and the geese were staying put, but I did get this image at almost twilight that I’m reasonably happy with.

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Uncooperative Sky

I was at this location on Owl Creek last December and captured a sunrise image I was fairly happy with. I returned a few day ago after our latest snow storm hoping to get another colorful sunrise, but the sky didn’t clear as it was supposed to so all I got was flat gray clouds, ergo the black and white processing.

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It Never Freezes

This image was made at a spot on Little Spearfish Creek about 3/4 of the way down stream from Rough Lock Falls in Spearfish Canyon. The temperature was well below 0 deg/f and had been for several days but, except for some paper thin ice at the edges, the water never freezes. Its always baffled me because further down stream and at lower elevations the creek freezes solid. Comment by clicking on the title above if you know the answer.

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Birch Blizzard

This thick birch grove is really chaotic and it made hard to come up with a pleasing composition. In the end, I found a shooting spot on the edge of the grove, shot through the many branches and twigs with a small aperture and changed the image to black and white. Sort of looks like a snowy storm.

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A couple of years ago we were at the arts festival in Custer State Park, SD and decided to go for a little hike after lunch. The light was pretty harsh but the calm winds made for some really nice reflections in this small pond. I guess there are some nice images to he had even in the afternoon sun.

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