Where I Lost My Phone

I went to the place where I shot the image a couple of posts ago looking for a new composition. I found and shot several, but when I got back to my vehicle I discovered I didn’t have my phone. Panicked, I tried retracing my steps to all the places I stopped to photograph but couldn’t find it. Later I came back with my wife hoping we could use her phone to call mine and locate it that way. Nope, no service, so after searching most of the afternoon, we gave up.

That night I went through the images I shot and discovered one place I hadn’t looked so I printed that photo and, with very low expectations, set out the next morning for another search. As you can see by the image, the area was covered with thick ferns so I had to get down on my belly to see under the canopy, and after several minutes of crawling around like this, what do you know, I FOUND IT!!! I guess life can sometimes be fair after all.

Wet Summer

This year hasn’t been one for the record books as far as rain is concerned, but you couldn’t tell it by how lush the foliage is in the Black Hills this summer. This image was made at Iron Creek in Spearfish Canyon, South Dakota, and is a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

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Summer Ferns

Not usually plentiful in the Black Hills, but this year large groves can be found if you know where to look. This very large growth provides a thick canopy over the forest floor almost like a jungle in itself. Be sure to tread lightly though, as the plant stems are very fragile.

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The Overseer

Shot literally feet from an earlier post in Spearfish Canyon, this composition features the same foliage but the little flower at the top seems to be overseeing the chaos of the surrounding leaves. A challenge in this image was balancing lights and darks to keep the flower from blowing while still maintaining enough light in the shadows so detail in the leaves stood out.

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Lost in a Crowd

One of the most challenging things for me when it comes to capturing close ups of wild plans and flowers is identifying a subject that brings together a subject that brings together various photographic elements that makes the image interesting and pleasing to the eye.

For me the star of the show is the smaller leaf in the center. It has a more vibrant yellow color and is nicely framed by the twig coming in from the right. The larger leaves seem to be milling about randomly while giving the little guy some space.

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Badlands Mirage

I was watching the sunrise the other morning from our guest bedroom window and just before the sun broke the horizon I could see what looked like the badlands. Impossible, I thought, since the badlands are 90 miles away as the crow flies. It must be some kind of weird cloud or fog formation, so I took this picture and did a little research. Now I’m not so sure.


There is a phenomenon known as refraction that bends light rays similar to what happens when light passes through a prism, allowing the us to see the other side of the horizon. It depends on getting the right atmospheric conditions and the angle of the sun relative to the observer.

What do you think? anybody else ever have a similar experience?

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Northern Light Show

When the public found out about the near certainty of an Aurora the other night you almost needed a reservation to get a shooting spot at Bear Butte State Park. I fired off about 70 shots trying to get a clean image without all the head and tail lights in the background, but this was the best and cleanest I could manage. I put myself in the photo to add some interest.

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Touching Winter

I’m not sure if this is one tree or several trees sprouting from the same location. Regardless, I love the way the thick trunks gradually split and divide into smaller branches and stems until there is nothing left but the delicate bare twigs that seem to reach out and touch the cold winter sky.

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Snowy Canyon

Another image from a snowy Spearfish Canyon a few weeks ago. I have to give a shout out to the snowplow driver that morning, so if you see this; sorry for being a pain in the asteroids and thanks for slowing down and not blowing me over the edge of the canyon.

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