Not the preferred camera

I recently took a drive to Badlands National Park to do some nightscape photography and while looking for a shooting spot the terrain and sky got very dramatic, but the only big boy camera I had was my astro modified Cannon 5D III, so I had to settle for my phone camera. The results aren’t too bad (IMHO)

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Natural Maze

These brush plants, the way they’ve randomly sprouted, remind me of a maze. Just for context, they reach heights of probably 9 to 10 feet tall and if they covered a very large area, you might have problems finding your way out once you entered.

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Home in the Woods

I do some real estate photography for local agents and that has kept me busy this week, so this weeks blog post is from a home I shot in west Rapid City. I had to climb a little to get this image, but it illustrates that you can be in the city limits and still have that home in the woods feel.

Reflecting on Nebraska

I was born and raised in central Nebraska and still have an affection for the landscapes there. This image was made at a small way-side area just off the Loup river near St Paul. It had been windy for several days before I ventured out, but on this morning the conditions were absolutely perfect to capture these cotton wood trees reflected in a small lake.

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Aspen in Silver

I was reviewing some old photos and came across this image of a grove of aspen trees I made in the fall of 2022. The leaves were quite glorious in their autumn shade of yellow, but since there wasn’t any directional light to add contrast, I converted the picture to black and white. The silver color of the leaves and tree trunks now contrasts nicely with the dark background.

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Frozen Mud

This image was made on the same morning at Bear Butte State Park as a similar image I posted a few weeks ago, but from a slightly different position. I like the patterns and textures and the sky was cooperating nicely, but I went with a black and white version instead because the color version reminded me too much of a cattle feedlot after a hard rain (if you catch my drift)

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Spearfish Canyon From Lookout Mountain

This image was made on a wintry morning from Lookout Mountain looking south towards the Black Hills. What I liked about the scene was the way the shapes, lines and textures lead the eye up through the hills and forests where Spearfish Canyon was eventually carved. While the walls of the canyon aren’t visible from this vantage point it’s easy to imagine how the forces of nature all worked to make this beautiful place.

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My Plan Was a Bit Off

After trying to figure out where the milky way core was going to be in relationship to Devils Tower, I went to the approximate spot I had scouted out last year. I say approximate because I couldn’t find the exact spot in the dark. Turns out that I was much lower in elevation in the spot I shot from and so the core was behind the tower. Dawn was quickly approaching and with no time to find another shooting spot, I had to make the best of what I had.

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The Party's Over

I was on Lookout Mountain in Spearfish, South Dakota a few days ago desperately looking for a composition when I spotted a group of deer milling about the brush and trees on a ridge about 300 yards away. I decided to see what I could capture, but by the time I got my camera and tripod out, switched to a long lens, and composed a shot, these were the only two deer left. I guess I crashed their party.

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White Bear

I’ve always wanted to make an image of the famous Bear Butte barn with a snow covered butte as the backdrop. I finally got my chance a couple of weeks ago, but oh boy was it cold! (the image was made on the same day as my previous post) Since it’s an old barn I prefer a more vintage black and white look.

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Not What I Intended to Shoot

I came to Bear Butte State Park near Sturgis South Dakota intending to shoot the iconic barn on the east side of the mountain. While there I noticed a sun halo (or sun dog) fading in and out as the frozen mist moved across the landscape. I wondered if I could catch Bear Butte framed by the halo if I got around to the other side, facing southeast with the mountain between my camera and the halo. I drove as fast as I could, but arrived only in time to get a quick hand held shot, exposing for the sky but luckily being able to bring out shadow detail on the mountain in post.

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Don't Try This Shot!

Well, you can try it just not in any other season but winter. I tried going to this spot on the west end of Bear Butte Lake in South Dakota in early fall, made one wrong step and sank up to my knee in mud. I got my foot out with a little effort but getting my boot back was a little more problematic. No problem on this morning however as the temperature was around 17 degrees F.

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